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SAHM / Working Mum Series: Introducing Ieasha

About Ieasha.

" My name is Ieasha Bellio I am the hands and brains behind Pixie Boo London. I am also mother to my beautiful 6 year old ‘Prinny’ Akira. We currently live in London. I am a craft enthusiast who loves anything creative I would say this is my hobby as well as work. Before I became a working mum I was working as an administrator within the finance sector which I still do now as well as run my own business."

1. What influenced your decision to return to work on a part-time basis?

"My daughter was the main reason why I decided to return to work on a part time basis. Since having my daughter, I have had the pleasure of working both part time and full time. I worked part time when she was younger and unfortunately got made redundant. Then went on to work 40+ hours which was quite a struggle as I felt like I did not see my daughter. Then I decided to look for a part time position which was better suited to my family and business."

2. Please tell us about your business

"I run an online children’s boutique specialising in mainly girl’s accessories however I am hoping to add more to the collection possibly a little something for the boys."

3. Why did you decide to start your own business?

"I decided to start my own business mainly because of the passion I have for fashion and styling. I studied fashion at both university and college, although I do not currently work within that field my interest in fashion never left since having my daughter, it in actual fact made me more interested in children’s styling. I take pride in both mine and my daughters appearance and believe that an outfit is never finished without an accessory of some kind, in our case a hair accessory. With that being said I would always search the internet, shops and find many hair accessories for children but they would be cheaply made so they will never last and I would always think ‘I can make this better’. I actually started making them for my daughter to begin with and received a lot of interest from mothers alike they would ask me if I can make them for their children and that’s really how Pixie Boo London was born."

4. How do you juggle working part-time, running a business and being an independent mother?

"Lots of organisation and prep work where I can. Whether that means meal prepping or just simply packing a school bag the night before, It’s all in the prep work. I am by no means a guru and I still have a lot to learn. I also do a lot when my daughter is asleep, after bedtime is my time to catch up with Pixie Boo London and work on clearing my order book. I also get up before my daughter and believe it or not that’s when I try to catch up with house work. Sometimes it doesn’t always work according to plan and I have to do such things when she is awake, so I try to involve her even if that means her making a collage out of my off cuts or her ‘pretending’ to help me clean when in actual fact she is creating a mini world wind. As a mum we just have to make it work."

5. How has working benefited you and your daughter?

"Working has benefited both myself and my daughter as I am able to provide for her and give her a lot more than I would have been able to when not working. It has also helped me to keep a sense of who I am as the Ieasha before having my daughter. It’s really like having the best of both worlds."

6. What are the positives of running a business and working part-time?

"Running a business and working part time allows me to always have a fall back if things do not go according to plan. Working part time also gives me the flexibility to nurture the business and also spend time with my daughter. Really just giving me the freedom to do a lot more than I would have time for working 40­+ hours with a child."

7. What are the negatives of running a business and working part-time?

"The negatives for me is I can tend to feel snowed under at busy times and my part time job can almost feel as though it is getting in the way then I quickly realise how lucky I am that not only do I have a part time job that allows me to also run a business outside of work but also that people actually like my products and buy them."

8. Who are your biggest supporters?

"My biggest supporters are my family and friends. They encourage me at times when I feel it is too much and they keep me grounded by reminding me why I started. Not to mention some of my biggest customers are my friends and family who genuinely love Pixie Boo London. I am very blessed."

9. Do you feel that there is enough support for working mothers? What support would you like to see in the future?

"I honestly do not feel there is enough to support working mothers especially having worked both part and full time. At the moment I am fortunate enough to have a flexi contract which allows me to work my contractual hours at shifts to suit myself. I feel more companies could offer the same as this certainly does make life a lot easier."

10. How has being a business owner met your expectations?

"Being a business owner has met my expectations as I am truly doing what I love with the added benefit of being able to spend time with my daughter."

11. What advice would you give to other mothers who are aspiring to start their own businesses?

"Believe in yourself and do not be afraid to take the risks or try something new. After all you will never know if something will work unless you try."

12. What does a typical day in your shoes look like?

"A typical day in my shoes looks a little like this. I like to wake up ahead of my daughter and have my morning cuppa. I then get myself ready and do any small chores, I then wake my daughter up get her ready and then we have breakfast together. We do the school run then I rush to my office for 10am then work until 2pm then leave and pop home for about 30 mins before I go to collect my daughter in that time I have my afternoon cuppa and do some personal admin (e.g. social media updates, answer emails, make phone calls etc) then one I collect my daughter it’s all go! Sometimes she attends after school activities like ballet and various other activities, if we are not doing that we have to do homework or something fun, then its dinner followed by what I call wind down time which is a bath and a book (now she reads to me) or a less excitable activity like colouring in or watching tv. Once she has fallen asleep that is my time to catch up with the business and work on any orders, I try to give myself a bedtime now as silly as it sounds I try to cut off at least by 10:30ish and then I can unwind then off to bed shortly after that."

13. What motivates you and who is your greatest inspiration?

"My daughter is my motivation as I want her to have the best childhood possible and make her proud. I would say my family are my greatest inspiration as I come from a very hard-working family who have achieved a lot."

14. What is your favourite thing to do after a long day at work to unwind?

"To unwind I like to take long relaxing baths using my fav bubbles or a lush bath bomb, I also like to get lost on Pinterest this helps me stay inspired, I find myself looking at flowers for flower crown inspiration, or home hacks, also health and fitness. Basically, anything I am interested in at that time. I also love to go on YouTube, I watch tutorials, vlogs, funny videos you name it."

15. What is next for you, your daughter and your business?

"Great question, I see us travelling a lot more. I see myself expanding the business and have some exciting things I am currently working on which I am hoping to showcase soon."

16. Finally, please tell us where we can find you on the internet?

"You can find me on Instagram at @Pixieboolondon or @such_is_ieash, my website is and finally on Facebook too at Pixie Boo London."

Thank you Ieasha for such a delightful interview! I admire you because as well as being a mother, you are working part-time and running a business too. As your daughter grows up she will learn of all that you have done for her and she will always have gratitude in her heart for you. Even with all that you do throughout the week, I like that you designate time for yourself to unwind and do some things that help to keep you relaxed. I know how busy it gets being a mother and it is so important for us to sometimes stop, slow down and remember that we are human.

It is really good that you get to do something that you actually enjoy whilst still being able to spend time with your daughter. Always hold on to your dreams and continue to believe in yourself, you can go as far as you would like to go! I look forward to seeing your future plans unfold and I pray that everything will go according to God's will for you and your daughter. You are very motivated and hard-working, so I believe that your plans shall come to pass. All the best to you and your daughter!

I love to read everyone’s comments and stories about their own first-hand experiences with motherhood. I feel that as mothers we have so much to share to help others because you would be so surprised at how your story could help to inspire or encourage mothers. I am excited to see how the different topics planned shall unfold and of course to meet so many remarkable and diverse mothers. If you would like to be a part of my series please feel free to contact me at;

With Love,

Roxanne-Sasha x

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