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Getting To That Beautiful Garden

‘The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a Spring whose waters never fall.’

- Isaiah 58:11

One of the most magnificent things about God is that He knows our hearts and all our needs. He knows where we are in life and where we desire to be, but God’s plans are not our own plans. We may desire to go left, but God wants us to go right. Which way would you go?

Try to not be disheartened if your plans go slightly awry because God always has a masterplan. All He requires of us is obedience and a willing heart, so that His plan can work. God gives us freewill and for me that is a special gift. He could force us all to follow Him, but He does not, instead He gives us our own chance to follow Him and allow His will to be done in our lives.

Do not feel unsatisfied or disappointed with any area of your life, give your problems to God and ask Him to help you because that is what He is there for, to listen, guide and help us. Where the scripture says, “you will be like a well-watered garden” this is what you will be like if you continue to follow God and obey His commandments. Who does not want a peaceful, happy life filled with joy and laughter?! I am sure that we all do, but unfortunately, we will all face tests and trials it is a part of our journey. Though the tests and trials will come God will never leave us to face them alone, He will be there to hold our hands.

He never said that the weapons would not form, but He did say that they would NEVER prosper! Listen, once you know who you are in Christ and you are confident and strong in your faith, yes the weapons will come, but by God’s grace you will block every single hit! I do not believe in God giving His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers because to be strengthened you need to go through something. What about those considered weak? Why would they be given such mighty battles if they are considered weak?! We all need to be strengthened. I have encountered some mighty women of God who have faced such traumatic life changing experiences, but they are still standing by God’s grace. I look at them in awe because with what they had endured people may assume they would break down and become isolated and weak, but no God used those situations to continue to strengthen them and build upon their faith!

Becoming that “well-watered garden” takes some time because you will have to walk through the forest for some time, before you get out and see the light, the beautiful flowers and the well-watered garden surrounded by God’s amazing creations, but once you get there you will feel whole. You will be complete because you will have come out of the forest and be in the beautiful garden enjoying the captivating view. Nothing in life is easy, but what I have learnt is that when you walk with God every single thing you face is a lot easier and it is worth it. So, be encouraged continue walking through the forest and get to that beautiful garden where you will be happy, you will be fulfilled, you will know your worth, you will value yourself more and you will be in a place where you have never been before. No living being on this earth can ever satisfy you, the way that God will.

I can only tell you what I know and what I know is that God has a plan for us all, so please do not be discouraged! You are not alone nor, will you ever be alone. Do not feel as if you must keep things to yourself and bottle things up, if ever you need to talk or just to hear some encouragement. Feel free to contact me at:

With Love,

Roxanne-Sasha x

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