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Waiting For God's Very Best!

Do you know what one of my favourite things about God is?! His plans are always working out for the greater good. We don’t always see or understand why God does thinks the way He does, but He knows best. He has a time for everything, He has planned everything down to the last detail for us and at times we are so oblivious to His perfect plans that we rush out and step outside of His will trying to create our own happiness by searching for a mate God has not even chosen for us.

At times it can become so frustrating waiting for God to join you with your soulmate because you see it happening for everyone else and although you are happy for them, you are waiting for your turn to come. You feel down and sometimes you even want to give up because it looks as if it will never happen for you. I have felt that way occasionally and God has reminded me that He has my best interests at heart.

God knows our every need before we even speak it, in the same way God knows and understands our hearts desires. He has created us, and He is in tune with our feelings therefore He knows what we need at the appointed time. If God knows that you have a lot of chaotic things going on in your life, He won’t necessarily throw your future spouse into the mix to add to the chaos. When God joins you with your partner it will be so wonderful, you both will be able to continue seeking God together whilst raising a family and teaching your children all about God’s greatness. This guy will genuinely love you, he will treasure you and he will love what other men have disliked about you. He will take his time to get to know you and you will be the only woman he has eyes for.

Isn’t that worth waiting for?! Would you not rather have a man who looks at you and loves you despite your imperfections, a man who prays with you and for you, as opposed to a man who is with you and tears you down constantly complaining about everything whilst living life on his own terms?! I don’t know about you, but I have been there done that and I am not wearing that t-shirt again. It can be exasperating, but God keeps reminding me of how unhappy my life could have been IF I chose to settle.

"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." - Ephesians 2:10.

The dictionary definition for masterpiece is:



a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.

This should tell you that when God created you, He put time and effort into doing so. He created you with love, He created you perfecting every fine detail on you. So, just as He took His time to perfect you, He also took His time to plan your life according to His will.

As a woman of God, we don’t just ‘settle’ we wait for God’s best for our lives because we were never designed to be mediocre or ordinary. God has created us to be extraordinary. So, when we meet our spouse, together we will be an unstoppable force. When we step outside of God’s will, nothing good comes from it. God will NEVER bless a mess Ladies or a relationship He did not tell you to be in. He knows who He has for you and if you are feeling down about waiting, I encourage you to talk to God.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7.

I realised that the best love story is the one that God writes for you because when He writes your love story it will be worth the wait. It will make sense why you encountered so many frogs or why you had to wait for so long. God can and will make up for lost time.. Stop watching the clock and being fixated on your age, you are not getting too old to get married! You can get married at any time, age will always just be a number.

Don’t feel like you have to live by the worlds standards to get what you need. Remember we are in the world, but we are not of the world! Focus on living for God, getting lost in prayer and your bible because those are the best places to be. You do not need to feel indifferent because love may not be on the cards for you at this precise moment. Count your blessings always, so that when God decides to bless you with the bigger things you will already be appreciative of them.

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1.

Some people get married in their early 20s, some in their late 20s, some in their early 30s and so forth – this is according to God’s will for their lives. Your love story is being written and God is the author, allow Him to complete your love story and be patient because He has not forgotten about you. Focus on living your life for God now and He will reward you greatly later.

Let’s look at the story of Ruth, who experienced one of the most tragic losses, but despite her loss she continued to believe and trust in God. Nothing or nobody could get her to change her perception of God because she had faith. When you have a big God, it is only right that you have the faith to match! God showed so much faithfulness to Ruth because of her love and trust for Him. I doubt Ruth was even thinking about love, in fact it was possibly the last thing on her mind given what she had encountered, but God brought Boaz into Ruth’s life and he found favour in her, a complete stranger.

“Then Boaz asked his foreman, “who is that young woman over there? Who does she belong to?” – Ruth 2:5.

Boaz showed interest in Ruth from the first time he set eyes on her, so he made enquires about who she was, in the same way the gentleman God has for you shall seek you out and approach you. You will not have to go out looking for him, he will come and find you, just like God allowed Boaz and Ruth to meet.

Did you think that it was a coincidence that Ruth went to work in Boaz’s field?! It wasn’t, it was all orchestrated by God! Boaz showed nothing, but kindness to Ruth because he heard of how her and her in law Naomi had suffered such tragic losses. Naomi lost both of her sons and whilst her daughter in law Orpah left her to go back home, Ruth was determined not to leave her side. This shows Ruth’s dedication to her mother in law and it also shows us that Ruth had a kind heart. Most would think that there was no real reason for Ruth to stay with Naomi, but she knew that Naomi would be alone, and she did not want that for her.

“The Lord bless you, my daughter!” Boaz exclaimed. “You are showing even more family loyalty now than you did before, for you have not gone after a younger man, whether rich or poor. Now don’t worry about a thing, my daughter. I will do what is necessary, for everyone in town knows you are a virtuous woman.” Ruth 3: 10-11.

Boaz made it clear to Ruth what his intentions were when he said that he would find out if another man who is closely related to Ruth would marry her, but stated if the man did not redeem her, he would marry her himself. The man who came to redeem Ruth was more concerned about his own estate that is the reason he did not marry Ruth. In the same way God is not a God of confusion, therefore who He has for you will be certain of his intentions for you. He will not confuse you or play games, he will know that he wants to marry you and make an honest woman of you.

I would definitely encourage you to continue waiting on the Lord. You will one day be blessed with your soulmate and you will be so glad that you waited. I hope you have enjoyed reading this post.

With Love,

Roxanne-Sasha x

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