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5 Tips for Busy Mamas; Being more organised!

As mothers, we tend to juggle so much at once, whether it is feeding the baby whilst trying to prepare your lunch or locate your keys. We all do it, it is one of our many skills! However, I have compiled a few tips which will hopefully make your life a lot easier.

1. Get organised!

It is nice to know what you are doing throughout the week. Of course, we cannot always plan everything, but if you have a certain routine such as taking the children to school then picking them up from their after school activities this is a good start. You can jot all of this down into your weekly planner, so that it helps you to stay in check. It will help if you fill it in with your appointments and anything else that you may need to do. This will help you all to think and plan according to your schedule.

2. Plan your outfits

I am super organised and I go as far as organising our clothes for the week ahead. Bella likes to help and as I am heavily into encouraging her to be independent as this also increases her confidence, I am all for her picking out her outfits. I ensure that our clothes are set aside for the week ahead so that in the morning we are ready to bathe, eat, get dressed and GO! This makes my life so much easier because I do not have to spend ages looking around for a pair of tights. Try it and let me know how this works for you!

3. Meal Preparation

So, in regard to our meals for the weak I try to plan our meals as much as possible. I like doing this because again it makes my life a lot easier. Where I can I prepare Bella’s food and then I will store them accordingly to ensure that they are preserved correctly. If Bella and I are going out somewhere for the day, we will usually eat out depending on where we are. If we are going to someone’s house then I will bring Bella’s food along.

4. Pack your bag overnight

This is very important because if you have to wake up really early in the morning, it is good to not have to stress about packing your bag and then the baby’s bag too. If it helps have a checklist of items to pack on your list, so whenever items are used from your baby’s bag you can just replenish them once you are home for the next day. Now for your bag it is handy for you to check that you have packed your purse and essentials in your bag. If you commute via London transport, I can imagine how frustrating it is if you end up running a marathon for the bus only to discover that you have left your oyster card in your other bag at home!

5. Delegate Household chores

If your children are at an age where they are able to give you a helping hand with the chores around the house, then you can use this to your advantage. If you create a household chore chart, then your children will know what they should be doing to help around the house. Who says cleaning has to be boring?! Put on some music and dance around the house as you all clean.

Now over to you, what helps you to stay on top of things?

With love,

Roxanne-Sasha x

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