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Bella turns ONE!

On the 15th of June my pride and joy celebrated her 1st birthday! This whole year has been such an amazing journey for us both and every time I hear my daughters sweet giggle or see her beautiful little face, she literally melts my heart!

Becoming a mother initially was exciting, scary and sometimes quite a lonely place. I knew that I would be a single mother, but I was not sure what our future held. I knew however that God had great plans in mind for my daughter and I, I just had to wait on His timing. I spent everyday caring for my daughter, loving her and ensuring that I gave her everything that she could have possibly needed.

Looking at her now I am in awe at how happy she still is, she has always been a happy baby, but her happiness makes even the grumpiest person smile. She has an infectious smile, a huge personality and she's incredibly intelligent. I cannot wait to watch the rest of her personality unfold as she grows.

For her 1st birthday we took Bella shopping and I do admit that I could not be stopped lol! I did spoil her, but you only turn one once and every birthday will be celebrated not necessarily in a big way. I will always teach my daughter that she is special, not just on her birthday, but in general. As she grows older and learns to communicate, I will allow her to have a say about what she would like to do for her birthday. We stopped off at the Build a bear workshop and she was in Care Bear heaven! She completely loves Wonderheart bear, I must admit she's very cute! Unfortunately they did not have her, so instead Bella got a LaLaloopsy doll and Tenderheart bear!

Later on that week we celebrated by going out to dinner with a few of my best friends and my daughter's Godmothers. We had a lovely evening and Bella thoroughly enjoyed herself, so much so that she fell asleep once at home right on my leg! Bella enjoys dancing and whenever she hears music, she starts to dance. It is quite funny to watch, but very cute too! Aunty Madonna makes the BEST cakes, she decided to surprise Bella with the cutest little cupcakes ever! They taste as good as they look, Bella enjoyed eating some of her cake before she decided to decorate the table and floor with crumbs!!

All in all we had a lovely time, spending it with our loved ones. This week we have a cosy family dinner to look forward to. Enjoy the rest of your week everyone!

With love,

Roxanne-Sasha x

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